Cut and file away the Phalon stand, gently spread the legs a little, not to much, and then glue to the Raptor's back. Then with a little Milliput/greenstuff add a saddle. Job done!
What next for the Phalon?
The addition of a large quadraped to carry the shield generator and heavy weapons.
At this moment in time I haven't found anything that looks suitable other than a Krootox beasty, which is a little wasteful considering the kroot rider will end up in the bin!
Great bit of conversion work there!
Have you looked at the Magister Militum range of 10mm scale dinosaurs:
Although they are a smaller scale they may have some useful stuff that would do in 15mm!
I had a look at the Magister Militum initially. I'd like to see them in comparison and see how the meet up size wise with the Phalon.
This is a very nice looking unit, good job.
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